acts_as_confirmable rails plugin

acts_as_confirmable is a Ruby on Rails plugin that is useful when you want to know who ticked a check box and when they did so. It can be found on GitHub.

This plugin treats a datetime attribute and an integer attribute as a boolean. This boolean can then be used as normal attribute in a check box (or in any part of the program) and when it is checked, the datetime records the moment and the integer records the id of the current user.

It is assumed that there is a Users table and that the current user can be found at User.current_user. If the current user cannot be accessed then 1 is used as the id.


$ cd vendor/plugins
$ git checkout git://



create a new rails app

$ rails confirm
$ cd confirm

create users table and items table with 3 confirmable fields

$ script/generate scaffold user name:string
$ script/generate scaffold item name:string \
      started_confirmed_by:integer started_confirmed_at:datetime \
      finished_confirmed_by:integer finished_confirmed_at:datetime \
      ready_confirmed_by:integer ready_confirmed_at:datetime

add the plugin to the model

class Item < ActiveRecord::Base
  acts_as_confirmable :started, :finished, :ready

add 3 check boxes in items/new.html.erb and items/edit.html.erb

  <%= f.label :started %><br />
  <%= f.check_box :started %>
  <%= f.label :finished %><br />
  <%= f.check_box :finished %>
  <%= f.label :ready %><br />
  <%= f.check_box :ready %>

show the confirmation info in items/list.html.erb

  <%=h item.started? %>
  <%=h if @item.finished? -%>

example of assigning a user to current_user

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  cattr_accessor :current_user

class ItemsController < ApplicationController
  before_filter :load_user

  def load_user
    User.current_user = User.find(:first)

Available fields

If a model has the attributes fields started_confirmed_at and started_confirmed_by, then the plugin provides: